Van 24-26/09/’21 gaat het jaarlijkse European Doula Network weekend door. Dit jaar organiseert België de jaarlijkse conferentie met als thema ‘Oxytocin, a daily essential’.
Naast tal van andere sprekers en workshops (in het Engels) vertellen Kathlien Bridoux en ikzelf op zondag 26/09/’21 meer over het thema ‘Preparing & Cooking for Postpartum’.
In this interactive workshop we will explore together the importance of adequate care during the postpartum period for a good start in motherhood. This period of 30-40 days after birth is extremely important for the health of the mother and baby. In China there is a saying: 40 days for 40 years. Kathlien and Danie will share their experience in how they have been taking care of mothers after birth. As a doula or birthworker you have a unique position to sensitize and inform your mothers and fathers on how to prepare for this fragile time. The ‘how’ is the topic we will be zooming into during the workshop. Also you can expect a clear understanding of what is happening in the physical, emotional and energetic layers, the special needs of the mother during this period, what to avoid at all cost (and why) and some easy and concrete tools, ranging from recipes to herbs.
Voor het volledige programma en informatie over hoe je je kan aanmelden: